Hello our physicists this post is to tell you about the planets which could support the alien life and hence they could be our future home too. Read the full article and tell us which one you found most interesting.
NOTE:-This article include the only planet which lies in the habitable zones of there parent star . None other planets are included because they are either too hot or too low.
KEPLER 452b:-
Kepler 452b is a planet very similar to earth. It is about 60% more wider than earth and 5 times more massive which means that gravity on the Kepler 452b is about 2 time more powerful than that of earth. It implies that every day on that planet will be workout for you. According to Researchers its star is 6 billion years old comparing to our 4.5 billion year old sun but it doesn't mean that water on its surface will evaporate because its powerful gravity might help it to protect its water.
There is also a fact that its atmosphere is thick and hence after some time there is huge probability that it might transform into Venus like planet. Hence it could be concluded that we might think to live in it at present(not possible just imagine) but we could not think of living in it in future.
There is also a fact that its atmosphere is thick and hence after some time there is huge probability that it might transform into Venus like planet. Hence it could be concluded that we might think to live in it at present(not possible just imagine) but we could not think of living in it in future.
This is the another planet which is quite more similar to earth in comparison to Kepler 452b. The only problem is that it is still not confirmed that this planet exists or not.
According to the researchers the planet size is quite similar to earth which makes it more interesting. It orbits an red dwarf star about 2o LY away from earth in an habitable zone.
Scientist also says that its half part always face towards the star which other is in darkness which means simply one day last for infinite time and hence life could only be possible in the area which lies in between the two regions.Hence it would be very exciting to live in this planet but the fact is there are more chances of that planet not to exist then that of its existance.
Scientist also says that its half part always face towards the star which other is in darkness which means simply one day last for infinite time and hence life could only be possible in the area which lies in between the two regions.Hence it would be very exciting to live in this planet but the fact is there are more chances of that planet not to exist then that of its existance.
KEPLER 186f:-
There are various things which is quite similar to earth in this planet like as this planet is very similar to earth in size that is just 10% more bigger which is not too much. Since it is at the edge of habitable zone hence it only receive 1/3 energy from its star comparing to earth. This mean that the noon at that planet will be quite similar to the evening just before sunset at earth. This planet lies about 500LY away from earth in the constellation Cygnus.
It orbits its star once in every 130 days. So it could be concluded that It might be possible that this planet (or someone else like this one) may become our future home but it is still a mystery that how humans could travel so fact to go to these planets.
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It orbits its star once in every 130 days. So it could be concluded that It might be possible that this planet (or someone else like this one) may become our future home but it is still a mystery that how humans could travel so fact to go to these planets.
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Wow what a post bro . Simply amazing.