Fiction Story

Saturday, March 30, 2019

7 Facts About The Galaxy You Must Know.

Hello everyone this post is all about the facts about our galactic home i.e. milky way galaxy. so without wasting any more time lets move on to the topic.......:- 

1-Number of stars:-

Image result for milky way stars
 Milky way galaxy has total of 200 billion stars and have enough dust to make billions of more stars. 


Our solar system lies about 30,000 light year away from the galactic center of our milky way galaxy.

3-Tilled Solar System:-
 Our solar system doesn't orbit Milky Way galaxy at plane but instead it is inclined at an angle of 63 degree from the center.

4-Old stars:- 

Almost more than half of the stars in milky way galaxy are older than our 4.5 years old SUN.

5-Dominant Star:-

The most of the stars in our galaxy are the Red dwarfs.Even our neighboring star i.e. Proxima century is a red dwarf. So saying that it is the most dominant star in our galaxy will not be wrong.

 6-Size matters:- 

The radius of our milky way galaxy is 100,000 light years.HUH! pretty huge.

7-You just see 10%:- 

The 90% mass of our galaxy(or Full universe)is dark matter which cant be seen by anyone this is because it is just like invisible matter. the universe which we see is only 10% of actual matter.
   That is enough for today if u want a new post on the dark matter tell us through comments so than we will soon make a post on it so stay tuned>>>>>!

Stars- Type, Lifetime, Mass,Luminosity and details

Hello Everyone, if you want to know about the type of Stars then this post is all yours because in this post we will tell about the types of stars and their properties.
SO lets discuss about the types of star:-

1-Yellow Dwarf Stars

Lifetime: 4 - 17 billion years
Evolution: early, middle
Temperature: 5,000 - 7,300 °C
Spectral Types: G, F
Luminosity: 0.6 - 5.0
Radius: 0.96 - 1.4
Mass: 0.8 - 1.4
Prevalence: 10% 

2-Orange Dwarf Stars

Lifetime: 17 - 73 billion years
Evolution: early, middle
Temperature: 3,500 - 5,000 °C
Spectral Types: K
Luminosity: 0.08 - 0.6
Radius: 0.7 - 0.96
Mass: 0.45 - 0.8
Prevalence: 11%

3-Red Dwarf stars(Personal Favorite)

Lifetime: 73 - 5500 billion years
Evolution: early, middle
Temperature: 1,800 - 3,500 °C
Spectral Types: M
Luminosity: 0.0001 - 0.08
Radius: 0.12 - 0.7
Mass: 0.08 - 0.45
Prevalence: 73%

4-Brown Stars

Lifetime: unknown (long)
Evolution: not evolving
Temperature: 0 - 1,800 °C
Spectral Types: L, T, Y (after M)
Luminosity: ~0.00001
Radius: 0.06 - 0.12
Mass: 0.01 - 0.08
Prevalence: unknown

5-Blue Giant stars

Lifetime: 3 - 4,000 million years
Evolution: early, middle
Temperature: 7,300 - 200,000°C
Spectral Types: O, B, A
Luminosity: 5.0 - 9,000,000
Radius: 1.4 - 250
Mass: 1.4 - 265
Prevalence: 0.7%

6-Red Giant Stars

Lifetime: 0.1 - 2 billion years
Evolution: late
Temperature: 3,000 - 5,000 °C
Spectral Types: M, K
Luminosity: 100 - 1000
Radius: 20 - 100
Mass: 0.3 - 10
Prevalence: 0.4%

7-Red SuperGiant Stars(red giant partner)

Lifetime: 3 - 100 million years
Evolution: late
Temperature: 3,000 - 5,000 ÂșC
Spectral Types: K, M
Luminosity: 1,000 - 800,000
Radius: 100 - 1650
Mass: 10 - 40
Prevalence: 0.0001%

8-White Dwarfs

Lifetime: 1015- 1025 years
Evolution: dead, cooling
Temperature: 4,000 - 150,000 ÂșC
Spectral Types: D (degenerate)
Luminosity: 0.0001 - 100
Radius: 0.008 - 0.2
Mass: 0.1 - 1.4
Prevalence: 4%

9-Black dwarf

Lifetime: unknown (long probably immortal)
Evolution: dead
Temperature: < -270 °C
Spectral Types: none
Luminosity: infinitesimal
Radius: 0.008 - 0.2
Mass: 0.1 - 1.4
Prevalence: ~0%

10- Neutron Star(Personal fav.)

Lifetime: unknown (long)
Evolution: dead, cooling
Temperature: < 2,000,000 ÂșC
Spectral Types: D (degenerate)
Luminosity: ~0.000001
Radius: 5 - 15 km
Mass: 1.4 - 3.2
Prevalence: 0.7%

If you now about any missing stars here then please tell us through the comment section and we will update our post accordingly. comment your favorite star in comment section(mine is neutron star and red dwarf)

Friday, March 29, 2019

Time Dialation- Achivement Of Einstein

  You might have known about time Dilation before. If not then this post is really for You. In this post we will discuss about what is time dilation and how does this happen so lets start the topic:-

What Is Time Dilation:-

Time dilation is an phenomenon due which time slows down according to various conditions. It tells us that time slows around the objects moving at high speed or the objects who are in relatively more gravity. Thus it will not be wrong if we will say Time is not same for everyone or time is "Relative". When talking about time you should know that we are talking with which Frame Of Reference.

How was Time Dilation Found:-

Well actually time dilation is a product of Einstein's Theory Of Relativity. If you don't know about Einstein's theory of relativity Then soon we will publish an article on it. Tell us through comments.

Types of Time Dilation:-

Time dilation generally took place due to the following factors
Image result for time dilation


According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time slow down near the object who are moving with very high speed.This means that whenever you are running you are becoming a part of time dilation, but the thing is why cant you feel this? This is because Time dilation depends on the ratio of your speed with the speed of sound, now since your speed can be max. 30 km/hr and speed of light is 300,000,000 km/hr so the effect is negligible and hence you can feel Time dilation.For ex- If you move with speed of light (Hypothetical Concept i.e. impossible) then the time stop for you hence the light photons doesn't experience time.
Image result for time dilation


The gravity time dilation is also predicted by Albert Einstein by his theory of relativity. According to him Time goes faster and Faster when we are away from the source of gravity. For Example:- If we
have two clock one in earth and another in Neutron stars then the clock in earth will show more time then the clock in neutron star. Another ex is- suppose there are twins, One goes to the black Hole and another stays on earth then after some time the one who came from black hole will observe that according to him not much time has elapse whereas his twin will be old or might be dead with time. This is also the reason that gps are reset daily to set the correct time as time goes fast in space(low gravity)
Image result for time

So thats The concept of time dilation hope you understand the concept