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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Einstein's Theory Of Relativity :- Special Relativity

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Today we will discuss about Einstein's Theory Of Special Relativity. This was the theory which gave Einstein the respect which actually a physicist deserve. But to know about it firstly you should know about the following terms:-

1-Frame Of Reference:- 

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Frame Of reference means that at which perspective or coordinates the observer is observing the word. for ex- If i will say that where is the country India located then a person in japan will point in one direction but the person in America will point opposite direction so who is right? actually both are right in their frame of reference. Frame of reference are of two types
a- Inertial:- Where things are moving with fixed velocity.
b- Non Inertial:- Where things are moving in Relative velocity.
The Theory of Special Relativity is based on Inertial Frame of Reference.
Image result for speed of light constant

2-Speed of light is constant for any frame of reference .

Theory- Einstein was wounder to know that things vary to every frame of reference for ex:- a two person standing in earth are relatively stationary to each other but a third person from international space station will see that the both person are moving with a velocity with which earth is moving hence they are not stationary. But when we talk about the speed of light its same for all 3 persons.
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Let us clear from another very simple example:- when a ball is thrown from a train moving with 100km/h with velocity 20 km/h then the overall speed of ball will be 120km/h But when we open a flash light from same train then its speed will not be affected.
Hence the question arises that where the changes go? 
Well these changes goes to a simple formula:- Speed=Distance/time when speed is constant then the distance and time vary which leads to Time Dilation and Length contraction.
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Time Dilation:- When an object moves in high speed then time slows down accordingly which means that if its speed is the speed of light then time stops hence photons experience no time. See full post on time Dilation here
Length Contraction:- When an object travels very fast then length of an object contracts. If the object is at the speed of light then its length becomes zero.

Famous Equation:-

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Einstein got more popularity because of his famous Equation and key ingredient of special relativity which was 
This equation proved that the mass and energy are not two different terms but they are related. Also mass can be changed into energy and vice versa. This could be seen in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) machine in which when particle are accelerated to speed of light then they gain more mass and hence more energy required to accelerate them and after a period of time giving that much energy is not possible. Hence nothing could achhive the speed of light.
Image result for LHC
Hence after publishing his theory of special relativity he got the fame and popularity which he deserved.
Ok friends hope you like the post on theory of special relativity and tell us through comments if you want a post on theory of General Relativity then please tell us through Comments.
Well I not always say this but this time I worked a lot on this post so please share this post with their friends if possible.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Tardigrade - About, adaptations, survival, Alien

Image result for tardigrade
If you are here then definitely you wanna know about the creature Tardigrade. This post is to tell about a mysterious creature targidrage who is thought to be a creature of another planet due to its abilities so lets start to know about tardigrade.

Who is Tardigrade?

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Tardigrade is an small creature with average length 0.3 to 0.5mm. It lives in water and have body structure like beer that why it is also known as water bear. Tardigrade is so popular nowadays because of its abilities to survive any harsh condition. Lets discuss them.

Low temperature adaptability?

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The lowest temperature ever record on earth is -89Degree Celsius this temperature is so low that even if you cry then your tears will froze and you will become blind. No human as well as any animal on earth can survive this temperature. But tardigrade is a animal which can survive not only this but it can survive in -272 degree Celsius which is just 1 degree Celsius more than lowest temperature of universe i.e.-273 degree Celsius.

High Temperature Adaptablity :-

Image result for tardigrade low temperature
The highest temperature ever record on earth is 57 degree Celsius and if you will go to 180 degrees temprature then you will be in coma in just 10 seconds but the creature tardigrade can survive in 150 degrees celsius temprature very easily. in an experiment when they are boiled at 150 degrees temprature they were uneffected.

Only Creature to survive in Space:-

Image result for tardigrade in space
This is the one and only creature ever found which could survive in outerspace.NASA sent them to space to see that if they can survive there or not. It not only survived in space but also gave birth to new tardigrades who were also healthy.

High Radiation Adaptation:-

Image result for tardigrade in radiation
Tadigrades are so powerful that it can tolerate 1000 times more radiation than any other animal which is very very very large. this is also a reason why tardigrade are able to survive in space

Survive without Food:-

Image result for tardigrade in dehydration
Tardigrades have ability to go in dehydration state in which they have less then 3% water left in their body.They do this when they found the enviroment not suitable for them. due to this reason they can survive without water for upto 30 years.This helped the tardigrades to survive five mass extinctions(and sixth one is going on). So it is not wrong saying that they have witness the end of earth 5 times.

Where are they found:-

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Tardigrades are everywhere. It is also possible that right now they are just 1 meter away from tardigrade this is because tardigrades are found in moss fern lichens etc which are common in whole planet.

Is it from another planet?

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Right now scientist are confused that are tardigrades really orignated in earth or had came from another planet because of their weird DNA which is very different from common DNA's in earth. for now it is hard to say that they are aliens or not as they are very different from other animals in earth but soon we will get to know about them but you can share your views that if you yhink tardigrade is alien or not through comments.

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So right now we cannot say much about tardigrades but one thing is sure that there might be various animals like tardigrade which remain to find out and we will soon found them.
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